Sunday, August 30, 2009
Observation: A little side note from the wedding. There was a fairly large man that joined our table during supper. Is it time to lose weight when you're sweating whilst eating? And it wasn't because it was hot in the venue. It was more because he was obese and shoveling food like Kobiyashi downs hot dogs. If I ever get that large, shoot me....
Thursday was a busy night at Studio. And it was Rachelle's last night working there. She's gone to work at Scores North now. Good for her I guess, but the money she'll miss on Thursdays will be great I'm thinking. Friday I was at Essies filling in for Brynen. It was busy and I had a lot of fun.
Saturday, I djed a wedding for Rick & Tracy. The last time I did a wedding that had those two names, I got shafted on my pay. Good thing this is a different set of people. Actually my cousin Joe was in the wedding party, as he is married to Germaine who is Tracy's sister. Plus Joe's daughter Torii and his brother Henry was also there, so it had a family feeling to it. Overall they danced at the beginning of it, but later on they were more into the drinking part of it than anything. Wrapped up by 12:15 AM then headed to Studio for one then home. I didn't have that much to drink but man, I feel like garbage today. Just gonna take it easy and relax for the night. Maybe even catch a flick. :)
Saturday, I djed a wedding for Rick & Tracy. The last time I did a wedding that had those two names, I got shafted on my pay. Good thing this is a different set of people. Actually my cousin Joe was in the wedding party, as he is married to Germaine who is Tracy's sister. Plus Joe's daughter Torii and his brother Henry was also there, so it had a family feeling to it. Overall they danced at the beginning of it, but later on they were more into the drinking part of it than anything. Wrapped up by 12:15 AM then headed to Studio for one then home. I didn't have that much to drink but man, I feel like garbage today. Just gonna take it easy and relax for the night. Maybe even catch a flick. :)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
So something weird has happened. My former boss from ICE and Suede, Mr. Lee Ford himself, has resurfaced and invited me to join his Facebook group, where he plans on bringing in big name concerts, acts and such. You know what Lee, I might join the group, but you owe me for at least 2 weeks of work still. And I will mention that next chance I get to talk to you.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Well got back from my little camping excursion. Went quite well actually, I'm surprised. Compared to the last one I went on at least. The next one should be even more prepared and a better experience as well.
Picked up my girl in Calgary around 4:30 PM on Saturday. From there we went straight to Banff. It's about 100 KM or so to Banff so it didn't take too long. The drive was very beautiful too which is nice. Landed in Banff, and went into the town to look at some stuff and then hit the road again and figured with the sun setting so qucikly, it was best for us to find a camping spot. Started driving up towards Lake Louise and towards the camping sites on the map we were provided with at the entrance of the park. Well, the first 2-3 camping sites all were full and we were both hungry and getting tired. But found another spot that had a lot of sites. Drove around it and FINALLY found a camp site. By this time it was practically pitch black dark out. Couldn't set up the tent so we figured get some food made and sleep in the van. My roommate Brad lent me his portable propane grill which we quickly got going and cooked the hot dogs on it. We didn't have a firepit site so this is what we were forced with. We settled in for the night, in the van, and went to sleep. It was about 11 PM at this time we figured wince we didn't have a watch and cell phone had no service, so couldn't even see. Up at around 9:30 AM, as I figured out the camera I had, kept the time and date. So from that point on we used it as our clock. We ate breakfast, which consisted of cereal, gathered our wits and were on our way towards the the Columbia Icefields and the next campsite. Figured might as well get in, pay for it earlier and then come back and settle in.
Made the next stop Lake Louise since it was on the way to the Icefields. Always a huge tourist attraction and today (Sunday) was no different. Rather calm day and the lake was beautiful. Got some nice pics of it. Was a bit cloudy but otherwise was a nice day overall. Got there about 1:00 PM or so. Didn't spend too long there as there isn't much to see except the lake. And we didn't have a lot of time to go hiking and such. So got back on the road towards our next campsite. Arrived there and set up camp.
Drove back and cooked some food over an open flame of the firepit.
Look, I have created FIRE !! LOL. Now, it wasn't a one match fire, however, I did get it going and we were eating fire cooked hotdogs, and beans, and for dessert was marshmallows and raspberries ! YUM !!
The only bad thing was I started the fire way too soon, so we had to keep it burning for a while before the sun set, but by that time, I was wiped and ready for bed. A long day. Went to bed around 10:30 PM I believe. One thing I must remember to bring for next time is a sleeping bag (Brad gave me his, but I gave it to my girl to use) and a foamie. Ended uyp sleeping on the ground and it was one of the most uncomfortable sleeps ever. But survived it nonetheless. Waking up sucked though, especially at 7:30 AM or so. It was probably about 5 C if not colder. There was frost on my car window, on the rain tent covering, and on some of the firewood. So needless to say, we were cold. I got a fire started again, and used it to heat up. Then we packed up shop and decide to head back and out of the park. On the way out, saw two women that were hitchhiking. So I figured, give them a ride. Found out that they were from France, so at least I could speak french to them. They weren't going as far as we were though. They needed to take the turnoff that goes towards BC. I drove them as far as I could, dropped them off again and said bye.
Not much more to the story than all of that. If you are a nature lover and want some great pics, this national park is for you. Saw a huge herd of elk, goats, squirrels, birds but still no bear :)
The scenery is awe inspiring and I will try and get back here as much as possible. Only thing I didn't really like is how expensive it was. Close to $20 a day just to be in the park, about $30 on average per night at a campsite. But I guess it's what it is....
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Weddings, weddings, come get your weddings !! LOL. Had 2 in the past 2 weeks. First one, last Saturday up at the Grandstand. It went really well for it being a half mormon one and apparently the families don't like one another. It was a small gathering too but was ok. 2nd one, I'll discuss in a bit. Monday at Essies was fun as the Earl's staff came in later on for their staff party. Always a hoot with those guys as they know how to party it up !!
Now for the 2nd wedding. It was Tanya's, down at Pavan Park. The ceremony was a clusterfuck to say the least. I got set up on time and ready to go but most of the guests were late and the ceremony, which was supposed to start at 1 PM, was now behind schedule. When they arrived, via horse and carriage, they decided to take pictures there and then. Meanwhile the guests, who were seated by this time, waited patiently for them to do their entrance. FINALLY, they walked down the aisle. But it wasn't the traditional way, they did it to Chris Brown's Forever. There's a Youtube video of the same thing. However, instead of each person going down individually, and doing a crazy dance, it was more like everyone rush the stage type of deal. So instead of having the song last oh 2-3 minutes, it lasted only 20-30 secs.
Part 2: Supper. Again a bit of confusion as to what to do for their entrance. But the picnic tables looked awesome. Also instead of serving food right away, they went around to each tables and took pictures and said their thank yous then. Backwards again ! But the food was phenomenal. It was prepared by the Guesthouse and also featured Steak, Lobster (which the bride purchased from the west coast), Baked potato or potato salad, garlic toast, mushrooms and 4 different types of salad. Tremendous. Brad, my assistant, didn't finish all of his steak, and I finished all of it, barely. Then we had the dance portion of the night which went quite good too. So overall, it was a grand affair. 2 more days of work then I leave on Saturday to pick up Taia and head to the mountains for 3-4 days of camping. It'll be nice to get away.
Now for the 2nd wedding. It was Tanya's, down at Pavan Park. The ceremony was a clusterfuck to say the least. I got set up on time and ready to go but most of the guests were late and the ceremony, which was supposed to start at 1 PM, was now behind schedule. When they arrived, via horse and carriage, they decided to take pictures there and then. Meanwhile the guests, who were seated by this time, waited patiently for them to do their entrance. FINALLY, they walked down the aisle. But it wasn't the traditional way, they did it to Chris Brown's Forever. There's a Youtube video of the same thing. However, instead of each person going down individually, and doing a crazy dance, it was more like everyone rush the stage type of deal. So instead of having the song last oh 2-3 minutes, it lasted only 20-30 secs.
Part 2: Supper. Again a bit of confusion as to what to do for their entrance. But the picnic tables looked awesome. Also instead of serving food right away, they went around to each tables and took pictures and said their thank yous then. Backwards again ! But the food was phenomenal. It was prepared by the Guesthouse and also featured Steak, Lobster (which the bride purchased from the west coast), Baked potato or potato salad, garlic toast, mushrooms and 4 different types of salad. Tremendous. Brad, my assistant, didn't finish all of his steak, and I finished all of it, barely. Then we had the dance portion of the night which went quite good too. So overall, it was a grand affair. 2 more days of work then I leave on Saturday to pick up Taia and head to the mountains for 3-4 days of camping. It'll be nice to get away.
Friday, August 14, 2009
This week has been very interesting to say the least. Monday, Essies was decent. Should only get busier as the students come back to party it up and study hard for another school year. Took my van into get serviced on Tuesday in the morning. Then got a bombshell dropped on me. Chris from Blarney, let me go from my services. At least they gave me severance pay. WTF?! I put my soul into that place for 4 years and this is how that jackass rewards me? Go fuck yourself Chris and Nathan. I hope your daddy can bail you out of the financial difficulties you'll have down the road, and I wish you nothing but misery in the future. And Nathan, thanks for nothing. Not even present to give me the news or not even a phone call. I knew that it would come sometime, but they were cowards. That was the final straw I believe. At least it was good to hear, they had nothing but fights on Wednesday and even a pellet gun had shot at some of the windows. LOL. But Erin helped me realized that this may have been a blessing in disguise, to which I agree with. Sometimes we need a bit of a 'push' to get our lives back on track, and I believe this is my push. Wait and see.....
Saturday, August 8, 2009
This past week has been interesting to say the least. Work has Had Tuesday off and went to the movies with Brad. Wednesday was super busy and so was Thursday. But of course late starts. Friday I was at Scores North. Still not sure why on that but whatever, I still got paid. I have a wedding to do at the university tonight for Shad. Should go fine. At least I didn't forget the unit today :)
Observance: Two of them in fact. Why my friend challenged Aaron Hargraves from Scores in a pool match for $20, when I warned him not to, is beyond my comprehension. Aaron's dad is a pool player, so is his sister and so is he. Now not taking anything away from my buddy, but come on. And he wanted to go for $80 !! Good thing he only lost $40.
2nd observance. Actually more of a comment really. Some people show their true colors when stress hits. A friend of mine bailed on me for a concert I'm about to see. Other members of her family are not that disrespectful. It would seem in this case, the apple DOES fall far from the tree.
Observance: Two of them in fact. Why my friend challenged Aaron Hargraves from Scores in a pool match for $20, when I warned him not to, is beyond my comprehension. Aaron's dad is a pool player, so is his sister and so is he. Now not taking anything away from my buddy, but come on. And he wanted to go for $80 !! Good thing he only lost $40.
2nd observance. Actually more of a comment really. Some people show their true colors when stress hits. A friend of mine bailed on me for a concert I'm about to see. Other members of her family are not that disrespectful. It would seem in this case, the apple DOES fall far from the tree.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Haven't logged in for quite some time. Last Sunday was ok, I didn't work but until the last hour, Paul Wittle from B93 had the inaugural debut of the live to air. He played a ton of remixed songs of pop and Hip-hop songs. A lot of people were none too impressed by it.
Help out Shad a bit on Tuesday install some stuff at Blarney but I mainly finished off the rest of the install at Scores North. Drilled a hole in the back, so the cables to the subs and to the mix board could be run from behind, and it looks a lot neater. Also trimmed the zip cables to make them look a lot cleaner. Wednesday, worked with some of the new lights that Shad installed. Looked great and a fantastic job putting them up. Thursday, was a very slow start but got busy around the midnight hour. Same thing with Blarney on Wednesday. Friday, Scores was decent, but with it being a long weekend and all, I thought it'd be a lot slower than it was. Sahd gave me a wedding contract to do in Waterton for Saturday so that was ok.
Grabbed the stuff at around 2 PM or so. Shad also had one to do in Waterton, only 2 buildings over from where mine was. Headed out in my van, with everything. At least I thought I had everything. About 30 clicks out of Waterton, I realized I forgot the mix board and computer system. WTF!? You kidding me?? I hit the panic button. Shad said he had a laptop I could use in the meantime. So I got on the horn, called Josh who delivered it to Mark and he ended dropping it off to me. I felt like such an idiot. I used someone's ghetto blaster system for the music for the cocktails portion, so it was all good. Got the actual system a few minutes after they started supper. It was tremendously hot in the community hall and after starting at 9 PM, I was done at 12:15 AM. I then scurried over to say hi to Shad at the school and mixed a few tracks. Had some food and some drinks then ended up driving home around 3:3o AM or so. New record, passed only 1 car on the way home, and they were going the other way.
Sunday, was a day of rest. Wasn't working at Blarney, because of the B93 thing, but I dropped by after going to Sheree's house for a few drinks and a dip in the pool. Blarney was busy, and I had a lot of people come up to me to voice their displeasure with Paul Wittle. No hip-hop at all, and the stuff he played was at least 1.5 years old. and a LOT of dance remixes. It was busy because of the long weekend, not because of what Paul played, or the Ladie's night Sunday thing. I hope Chris' ego doesn't get too inflated by something he may think caused it to be busy. We will have a talk.....
Help out Shad a bit on Tuesday install some stuff at Blarney but I mainly finished off the rest of the install at Scores North. Drilled a hole in the back, so the cables to the subs and to the mix board could be run from behind, and it looks a lot neater. Also trimmed the zip cables to make them look a lot cleaner. Wednesday, worked with some of the new lights that Shad installed. Looked great and a fantastic job putting them up. Thursday, was a very slow start but got busy around the midnight hour. Same thing with Blarney on Wednesday. Friday, Scores was decent, but with it being a long weekend and all, I thought it'd be a lot slower than it was. Sahd gave me a wedding contract to do in Waterton for Saturday so that was ok.
Grabbed the stuff at around 2 PM or so. Shad also had one to do in Waterton, only 2 buildings over from where mine was. Headed out in my van, with everything. At least I thought I had everything. About 30 clicks out of Waterton, I realized I forgot the mix board and computer system. WTF!? You kidding me?? I hit the panic button. Shad said he had a laptop I could use in the meantime. So I got on the horn, called Josh who delivered it to Mark and he ended dropping it off to me. I felt like such an idiot. I used someone's ghetto blaster system for the music for the cocktails portion, so it was all good. Got the actual system a few minutes after they started supper. It was tremendously hot in the community hall and after starting at 9 PM, I was done at 12:15 AM. I then scurried over to say hi to Shad at the school and mixed a few tracks. Had some food and some drinks then ended up driving home around 3:3o AM or so. New record, passed only 1 car on the way home, and they were going the other way.
Sunday, was a day of rest. Wasn't working at Blarney, because of the B93 thing, but I dropped by after going to Sheree's house for a few drinks and a dip in the pool. Blarney was busy, and I had a lot of people come up to me to voice their displeasure with Paul Wittle. No hip-hop at all, and the stuff he played was at least 1.5 years old. and a LOT of dance remixes. It was busy because of the long weekend, not because of what Paul played, or the Ladie's night Sunday thing. I hope Chris' ego doesn't get too inflated by something he may think caused it to be busy. We will have a talk.....
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