Thursday, January 15, 2009

Well I sort of had a shot of purchasing tickets to the NHL All-Star Game in Montreal via a waiting room today. Tickets were $282.00 just for the weekend package (if I got a chance to get one !!). But after factoring in 3 nights hotel (about $110.00 per night) plus airfare (about $700 minimum), it would've cost me close to $1300, and I cannot afford that right now, plus it'd be on such short notice. Damnit ~!! That would have been worth it though. Ah but it's not like my mecca to the Forum when I went last time. Now THAT was worth it.

Blarney was SO busy again last night. Me and Opi as per usual rocked the house. And what's with Chris and Dan telling us to play more "celtic" music? They are novelty songs. Too much of them and they lose their luster.

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