Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Work at Studio 54 was deathly slow. However me and Josh played and talked music for the better part of the evening, which was great. Played a lot of great retro tunes especially the rock songs of the 80's.

Got home and came across a horror. My computer was acting severely FUBAR-ed. Well I was not intent on letting this happen and for the 2nd time ever in the history of me owning a computer, removed a virus. It was a 'recycler' virus where I had NO sound, and couldn't access any of my drives. What a piss off. So I researched it on the internet, grabbed the necessary programs I needed to take care of the problem, and fixed er up! Everything seems to be back to normal and I saved a restore point which hopefully works. I believe it was from the movie Coraline that I downloaded and tried to watch but something fishy was up when I had to download a licence. That's the only thing I did differently. Either way I feel great about my accomplishment and am off to bed in about 11 min.

One last thing. There still has been NO trades in the NHL. Avery re-signed with the Rangers and Backstrom signed an extension with Min. Grrr. Which means it'll all explode tomorrow. Go Habs go !!!

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